The Company You Keep

I thought I was delirious when I heard the taps on the window but soon had a feeling it was one of the magpies come to visit again. Sure enough, I was right…

He (or she) stayed for quite awhile, probably hoping I’d get my butt off the couch and put more peanuts out for (them to steal from) the squirrels. I am usually so dependable with filling the feeders that I created a cult following, basically. 😄

It looked right at me as I talked and didn’t budge. It’s the friendliest bunch of magpies we’ve had yet and I wouldn’t be surprised if one day I’m able to reach out and hand feed them.

We had a dusting of snow overnight, which always happens around Easter, so they’re on the prowl for whatever they can find. As soon as I’m feeling a bit better I’ll go refill the squirrel feeder but until then, they’ll have to just be patient. 🙂

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