April Showers

Snow showers, that is! It’s still blowing out there this afternoon, making both me and the robins sad again, but it can’t last long so I’m ignoring it and focusing on more important things like keeping these new plants alive!

My second rose bush came yesterday to add to my growing menagerie of outdoor plantings I am collecting:

My seed orders are starting to come in, too, like these red sunflowers and pumpkin mix:

I can’t wait to get those in the ground, the pumpkins did so well last year. So did the sunflowers. I’m going to strategically plant everything this year so it becomes part of our Halloween yard haunt since we’re expanding it out to be a big walk-through haunt this year that will take people around the back and on both sides of the property.

The theme will be a haunted mansion, graveyard and farm, of course. 😉

Nothing says farm quite like swarms of bees and we do have those but we also have an out of control wasp population so I put up these handy dandy fake wasp nests everywhere in hopes of tricking them into moving on somewhere else…

I just hope they survive this little snow storm we’re having since it’s blowing in sideways out there. Ugh.

In the meantime, I’m stuck inside being abused by the pups who wouldn’t let me out of the kitchen to finish vacuuming until I made them some home made beef and barley soup…

I swear they plot against me when I’m not looking! 😄

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