Everything in its Place

We’re rearranging our lives to accommodate our new hobby, which has already been taking over as much of the upstairs as my gardening fetish has been in the dining room.

Don’t get me wrong, I love that the hubs is into bee keeping as much as he is, especially since I’m not really into the idea of handling them. I am allergic but that doesn’t matter, either. I’m willing to get venom therapy for that.

I just really really want fresh honey! 😅

He has already taken it outside and is setting it up on its new permanent platform he built at the back of the chicken run.

This morning the hubs did most of the outside chores but I did make it out long enough to admire the tulips…

…and also find a better spot for the new solar peacock I bought recently at Amazon. I didn’t want to because I’ve been trying to avoid shopping for anything new at all, but it was on sale and it’s just so dang cute…

The rod isn’t as sturdy as I’d like but overall it’s built well and it’s really pretty in person. Hopefully it will look good there tonight when it lights up because it sure needed something to fill that blank space.

Tomorrow we hope to have the beds for the Jerusalem artichokes ready so they can finally be put in their place, too!

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