What is a Woman (Garden Edition)

I know it’s a controversial topic right now but I’ve never been one to shy away from those, especially when it pertains to all things female. I personally love being an adult human female aka a woman, and I love girly things. Especially out in the garden. It’s why I love the morning glories so much!

They are dainty and feminine and just lovely. It’s why I use them on my girl frame to grow her a dress each year. This year is taking a bit longer than I’d hoped but after a bit of fertilization (ahem), she is really beginning to fill out…

Don’t we all?

Speaking of fertilization, the pumpkins are producing only male flowers as of yet…

Hopefully soon they will start making female flowers so they can also get fertilized and grow into pumpkins. I did learn a few tricks on how to help the process along. You can cull some of the males, which sounds extreme, or you can stimulate the male flowers by using a paint brush on them and it will signal to the plant to make female flowers.

I’m trying that method first to see if it works before I resort to killing off the boys. I may be all woman but I’m not a man hater. 😆

2 thoughts on “What is a Woman (Garden Edition)

  1. Isn’t it curious, what is a man is not the question. And if you were to ask a man, what is a man, he’d not even entertain such a trial, yet woman not only takes this question on, but fights for her right to be defined by man.
    Is a love of beauty a thing of woman? I think not.
    Some plants revert to producing more males under times of stress. But it’s normal for the squashes to produce males first, and more of them, to make sure there’s amble pollen to go around to the future girls. Males are more expendable in nature, that’s what we call ‘male privilege’! 😆
    And this year on the homestead we’ve had 80% males produced in our livestock as well, and I hear this also from neighbors.

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