
The little pond out front is my favorite place to be, especially when the shade falls on it in late afternoons. It serves as a bath for all the neighborhood birds and a refuge for me as the temperatures go back down to a tolerable level.

In the mornings when I open the windows I can hear the sound of the water splashing and it brings so much joy all summer long. I open the front door and the sunlight reflecting off of the surface of the pond lights up the entry way, like an old friend come to comfort me after a long, hard winter.

During the day the flowers fill the air with the most beautiful aroma. I keep a lot of flowers around the pond so I can sit in the morning sun and afternoon shade among them.

I carefully prune them and water them and gather beautiful bouquets to bring inside with me as well.

In the evenings all my little solar powered things I have scattered around it begin to light up. This year I added this adorable little coffee drinking frog with his glowing cup. Every time I see him it makes me smile.

In a world of chaos and uncertainty, the sights and sounds of the little pond helps to keep me in a happy place. 😌

2 thoughts on “Ponderings

  1. Sue Newell

    I would love to have a pond. I live in a suburban subdivision so it would be difficult to have one. I do enjoy the water sounds coming from my patio fountain. Water features can be so relaxing:) Love the little frog! Where did you find him?

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